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Pre-show Immersive Look

Pre-show Immersive Look

Estragon & Vladimir present to Pozzo

Estragon & Vladimir present to Pozzo

Estragon & Vladimir

Estragon & Vladimir



Pozzo covered in stolen prize-winning 4H ribbons.

Screen Shot 2021-08-19 at 3.15.32 PM

Screen Shot 2021-08-19 at 3.15.32 PM

Pozzo presents Lucky

Pozzo presents Lucky

Lucky pops off!

Lucky pops off!

Pozzo returns

Pozzo returns

Pozzo returns, blinded and stripped of their awards.

Exhaustion: the aftermath.

Exhaustion: the aftermath.

"Pity we haven't got a bit of rope..."

"Pity we haven't got a bit of rope..."

Waiting for Godot
(November 2019)

University of North Alabama

(Florence, AL)


Matthew Morgan


Scenic Design:

Vince Salpietro


Lighting Design:

Ethan Franks


Costume Design:

Red Hall



Sam Thigpen

With respect to the formal rules set in stone by Samuel Beckett, accessibility was key to bringing this absurdist classic to life in an academic environment in the Deep South. The text suggest the playing space is nothing more than "A country road. A tree." Leaning into this direction, the "country road" in question was styled as the liminal thoroughfare of an abandoned Alabama State Fairground. The theater architecture was transformed into an immersive environment: sod & dirt on the floor, onstage seating in "abandoned" sofas and folding chairs. Actors eschewed the traditional North Irish dialects in favor of heightened versions of their Southern American drawl. Director Matthew Morgan's training as a graduate of Ringling Bros. Clown College (along with his devised work & fringe festival experience creating contemporary circus cabarets) brought a uniquely classic American comedic sensibility to the character work on stage. 

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